CSR: VAPCO handed over children’s playgrounds to Youth Unions in affected communities.

On 31st March 2023, VAPCO has supported “Children’s playground” to Youth Unions of wards/communes: Ky Loi, Ky Long and Ky Thinh on the occasion of the 92nd anniversary of the establishment of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Unionđ.

From the fact that children’s playgrounds in the area are still lacking number of facilities and do not meet safety and hygiene standards, VAPCO has decided to sponsor these children’s play areas, accompanying the Youth Unions in caring for and protecting children, as well as meeting urgent local needs.

VAPCO directly selects the contractor for the design, and installation, including playground equipment: 1-block slide hut, seesaw, swing, single slide, multi-function climbing ladder… VAPCO handed over to the Youth Unions of wards and communes right in the youth month on 30 March 2023.

This support is a great opportunity to build and equip children’s activities and playgrounds in wards and communes, where there are still many difficulties and deprivations, to provide children with a space to play and entertain, healthy, and educational and show VAPCO’s interest in physical and mental health care for children.

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