CSR: VAPCO donated Tet gifts to 177 poor ranked households around the Project site

From the beginning of the Project construction commencement, VAPCO has planned and implemented various community development and livelihood restoration projects under CSR programs for different subjected people. The vulnerable people especially the poor ranked households are always of our highest priority in benefiting from the Project. Thus, on this Lunar New Year, VAPCO gifted to all 177 poor ranked households who are living in Ky Loi, Ky Long, Ky Trinh and Ky Thinh ward/ commune which are directly or indirectly impacted by the Vung Ang II Thermal Power Plant Project. The event was held on 11 and 12 January 2023 with representatives from VAPCO, Mr. Katahira, Project Coordinator Manager and authority, Mr. Nguyen Van Chung, Ky Anh Town’s People Committee Vice Chairman and Mr. Duong Tri, Ky Anh DOLISA. This year, the Company supported households living at far distances with vehicles to help them travel to the event safely. The event was completed with a very warm atmosphere with all the attendees.


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