Considering the suitability of women in poultry breeding, the Women Empowerment Livelihood Support project was initiated and well responded as this model does not require heavy labor and time consummation for women. Specifically, total of 8,900 baby chicks as pilot poultry breeding models were delivered to 81 women in Ky Loi and Ky Trinh ward/ commune. On 23 June, 2 technical training courses were conducted to provide the necessary skills and knowledge on this breeding model. They were also equipped with sufficient food, vaccine, medicine, and equipment and delivered in the early morning on 27 June.
Ky Anh Town’s Women Union as the typical association for supporting women in the locality is the partner for implementing this project. Since this is Livelihood Restoration Program under ESHIA, VAPCO, and KAPC Women Union will keep following up on the living circumstance of these HHs and how they are improved in the next three months.
Chicken breeding is an effective model for poverty reduction in many areas of the world. For example, Bill Gates of Microsoft is doing huge donations to Poor people in Africa for breeding the chicken since (i) They are easy and inexpensive to take care of, (ii) They’re a good investment (one chicken can become 40 chickens next 3 months), (iii) good nutrition, and (iv) women can breed by themselves.
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