CSR: Live broadcast event of “Warm Spring – Loving Tet” in Ha Tinh Province

Live broadcast event of “Warm Spring – Loving Tet” in Ha Tinh Province
On the evening of December 26, 2022, Vung Ang II Thermal Power LLC (VAPCO) represented by Mr. Katahira – Project Coordination Manager, participated in the live broadcast event “Warm Spring – Loving Tet” organized by the Provincial Party Committee of Ha Tinh, People’s Council of Ha Tinh, People’s Committee of Ha Tinh, Fatherland Front of Ha Tinh and Ha Tinh Province Television.
The event was solemnly held with the presence of many top leaders of Ha Tinh Province: Mr. Hoang Trung Dung – Secretary of the Ha Tinh Province Party Committee, Mr. Tran The Dung – Standing Deputy Secretary of Ha Tinh Province Party Committee, Mr. Vo Trong Hai – President of Ha Tinh PC, together with the members of Standing Committee of Ha Tinh Party Committee, leaders of departments, departments, branches, and representative of sponsoring companies.
Currently, Ha Tinh Province still has over 14,000 poor-ranked households, and more than 15,000 near poor-ranked households with many difficulties, and support is required. The event “Warming Spring – Loving Tet” was organized with the desire of benevolent hearts to continuously support the poorness on the occasion of Tet holidays.
Besides implementing various community development activities and livelihood restoration activities in the past by VAPCO, in this occasion of 2023 Lunar New Year, VAPCO decided to support a total of 323,000,000 million VND for poor households through Tet gift and scholarships to difficult situation children in Ky Loi, Ky Long, Ky Trinh, and Ky Thinh communes (in 2021 is 270,000,000 VND).
In this event, provincial leaders recognized VAPCO’s meaningful activities and awarded certificates for the contributions of VAPCO.
Some pictures of the event:









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