CSR: Go Green _ Bước Chân Xanh 2023

On the morning of June 17, 2023, VAPCO in collaboration with the People’s Committee of Ky Anh Town will organize a Beach clean-up and Mini-Marathon event with the slogan “Go Green_Bước Chan Xanh 2023”. The event attracted around 420 athletes who are representatives of authorities, people and unions from all 12 communes/wards of Ky Anh Town and personnel working for Vung Ang II Thermal Power Project.

Following the success of last year’s event, this year’s Beach Clean-up combined with Mini-Marathon continues to be carried out on a wider scale in both the number and area of participants. In response to this year’s World Environment Day theme “Solutions to plastic pollution”, this event focuses on spreading the message of environmental protection, especially reducing plastic waste, and increasing the use of reusable or easily compostable materials to avoid harming the environment. This message is reflected throughout speeches by representatives of VAPCO and government delegates, calls for responses as well as in media materials through vivid images on panels, posters, and gifts of trash cans to the local communities as well as athlete gifts as canvas bags as a replacement for single-time-use plastic bags.

During the organization, the event also arranged paper drinking cups to replace plastic bottles and reminded participants to leave garbage in the right place. The athletes and participants alike were excited to participate. The event left many impressions because of the significance of the activity in efforts to protect the environment and overcome challenges to complete the course.


The link to the post on social media:

Hơn 400 vận động viên tham gia giải Chạy Maraton “Go green – bước chân xanh” (thethaovietnamplus.vn)












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