CSR: Closing ceremony of the free training course Shipmaster and Chief Engineer

On the morning of 21st December 2022, Vung Ang II Thermal Power LLC (VAPCO), Ky Anh Town People’s Committee, Ky Loi Commune People’s Committee (Ky Loi PC) and the College of Technology, Economics and Fisheries held the closing ceremony of the free training course for Shipmaster and Chief engineer training for fishermen at Hai Phong 1, Hai Phong 2, and Hai Thanh village at Ky Loi PC’s office. This is an activity under the framework of the Livelihood Restoration Program conducted by VAPCO.

The training course consists of 4 classes with a total of 140 fishermen registered: 1 class for 1st type of fishing boat captains, 2 classes for 2nd type of fishing boat captains, and 1 class for 2nd type of chief engineers.




During 2 months to hold each class, the trainees could learn practical knowledge of Vietnamese regulation, theory and practice of ship operation, fishing vessel management, marine exploitation, and sea product consumption… to help improve their skills in seafaring and legal knowledge for fishermen, to contribute to increase efficiency in the fishing process, and to perform well in ensuring safety for people and fishing vessels operating at the sea.




At the ceremony, the College of Technology, Economics and Fisheries awarded national official certificates issued under Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to 128 fishermen who passed the graduation exam.

Some pictures of the event:




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