CSR: Announcement of VAPCO’s livelihood support for women in the Ao dai festival in Ky Anh

On the evening of March 7, 2023, the Ky Anh Women’s Union held the final round of the “Ao Dai with tourism potential” contest 2023. This is an activity to celebrate the 113th anniversary of International Women’s Day (8/3/1910 – 8/3/2023) and 1983 years since the landmark of the Hai Ba Trung uprising and to response to the Ao Dai week launched by the Central Committee of Vietnam Women’s Union.

The contest is a tribute to the elegant and graceful beauty of the women in Ky Anh town with wearing the traditional Ao Dai associated with the love of the homeland, and the country, the sense of responsibility in participating in the introduction and promotion of the country, promote the tourism potential of Ky Anh town to friends and tourists from all over the world.

The final round was broadcasted live on the Fanpage of Ha Tinh Women Union, Ky Anh Women Union and Ky Anh Television, attracting over 16,000 followers.

In this event, VAPCO announced to support VND 232 million for the livelihood model for disadvantaged women in the affected area of the Project in wards/communes Ky Loi, and Ky Trinh with collaboration of Ky Anh Women Union. This activity is part of the VAPCO’s Livelihood Restoration Program for the community in the affected area. This activity aims to support breeding animals, livestock equipment, and livestock vaccines for women with suitable conditions to develop family livelihoods through poultry production. The company expects households to effectively improve the models of life and contribute to a better life for women and their families.

Newspaper link: https://baohatinh.vn/doan-the/an-tuong-dem-chung-ket-cuoc-thi-ao-dai-voi-tiem-nang-du-lich-o-thi-xa-ky -anh/245387.htm?fbclid=IwAR1i4IRE7DEhdmqGwOG0B48qtdRZQi7KUqvc531Nvn_jnYCbmibm5dHWIyY

Link to VAPCO’s live stream giving gifts (1:42:15): https://www.facebook.com/hoilienhiepphunukyanh/videos/1427640754707120





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